Sunday, December 4, 2011

Are you happy?

Ever since we're born, we come across a million different things, but we were not able to compute or understand them when were babies. As time passes by, we become more sensitive towards the things that happen to us or around us. We lie , we don't lie, we smile or Wewe don't, we cry , we dance ,we sing, we fail , we succeed!
We do a lot of things, right? But the questions is, ARE WE HAPPY?

Everyday we come across many situations, respond to them in many ways, do things unknowingly, do things purposely and so on..
We can't please everybody, we can't make everybody happy but we certainly succeed in making someone happy somewhere. I feel so. 
To be happy, it doesn't mean we always have to be right or say the truth always, sometimes we lie and we know we lied for something good.
I lie too, we all lie but we also know that it won't harm anyone. Eventually, the day when the truth is revealed we all laugh it off and celebrate the happy times. 

At night, before going to bed, ask yourself- 
'Have I made someone happy?'
'HAve I managed to make someone smile?'
'Even if i failed, did i try again?'
'Have I smiled today?'
'Did I dance like mad,behind close doors without music?'
'Did I 'headbang' on my favorite song?'
'Did I make a meal for myself and had it even if it tasted sh*t?'
'Have I expressed my love to the one i love the most?'
'Have I cherished the fact that my friends are wonderful?'
'Have I found the one just for me?'
These are just a few things that could make someone happy, i know we all have those little-little happy things in our life, its just that we have to notice them and count them. 
I Can Say I am happy, i smiled today , made someone smile, expressed my love(not always in words, actions are enough sometimes). 
Are You Happy??

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Being an emotional wreck

In life there are many instances when you break down, when things happen exactly the opposite way as you wanted them to be. They say forget them and move on but you are stuck into it because you are an emotional wreck.

You think a lot, worry a lot ( I won't question the reasonability of it), sometimes you can't help yourself but all you can do is cling yourself with the only thought that is worrying you and that's where all the 'trauma' starts, your being an 'emotional wreck' comes into play. You take things seriously NO, way TOO seriously i would say. They will ask you to keep your cool but you are such a person whose default property is set to WORRY.
You can't take things as easily as everybody else does, there comes into play the 'background' where  you belong, you are apprehensive even about the minor issues in life. You can't help it and neither can you make people understand the reason of such a behavior.
You care a lot and worry a lot at the same time and that enhances your emotional instability..and it gets really tough for people to understand what's going on inside you at the same time you fail to understand them.I guess there are many emotional wrecks out there who feel the same.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Unmasked -loathsome faces!

People-There are people all around us, everywhere! Strangers,acquaintance,friends,family..anyone who's a human being! The more people, the more faces!! Trust me on this, every face is masked and only critical circumstances can unmask the hidden true selves of people!
We come across many situations in life where we get a chance to know the truth behind the amiable masks that they put on! 
Actually its a waste of time writing about the people who made you hate them . No, hate is a strong feeling and hating such people is like wasting a portion of your energy on them by giving them some useful space of your brain! and i'm sure that isn't a good idea after all !

In everybody's life there are a bunchful of jerks! I call them jerks because they voluntarily refuse to understand the difference between what's right and what's wrong! They spend all their precious time in either bitching about almost anyone and everyone. 
They are the one who can reach any extent to prove that only they are right and yes they are capable of doing that and in many cases they achieve that by castigating the one they are confronting with.
When someone hurts their ego by telling the right thing (might be true but hurtful) they retaliate instantly by vilifying their opponent until they achieve satisfaction !

A prime feature of such people is that they are 'All sizzle and no streak' these jerks are big-mouthed , they talk a lot and do nothing and when someone  tells them to say modest they make a mockery of him/her outta frustration!! They just ignore your efforts, even if you encourage them, they will find a reason to curse you and don't even spare your alter ego!
I think they can find a little hope in hell for themselves!!
They feel pinched if someone else moves forward to achieve their dreams or even tries a new thing! It could be anything which these self proclaimed Gods are not capable to do!!

God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. - Shakespeare

True friends
are like diamonds precious but rare. Fake friends are like fall leaves found everywhere. - Unknown

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. -
Judy Garland

Its my serious plea to such people that stop being someone else! Be yourself (whoever you are) don't fool people with the fake attitude you carry 'coz eventually your faces will be revealed!!

For those who are reading this, i would like to suggest you that better be careful with the people around you, even the closest of friends could be camouflaged!! 

 Once more i would like to quote myself that its like wasting precious time writing about such people but at times letting it out is the only option left!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mashed up thoughts!

A bleaky sparkle surrounds the city Ajmer when the sun goes down , over-crowed markets and desolated streets are noticeable at the same time. Still the most unpalatable scenario can be witnessed from the time of dusk till the clock strikes eight. The 'Angrezi/Desi sharab ki dukaan(s)' or 'Liquor stores' for the elite readers are packed with people swarming like bees , just to buy their daily dose of booze!
The poor crowd make their way to ' Desi theka(s)' while the upper middle class cannot satisfy their thirst with anything else but 'Angrezi' , and why wouldn't they be satisfied when we have a liquor store every 500metres!
But these 'thirsty' people fail to understand that while they crowd  these liquor stores and the surrounding area , other people too walk or drive through those lanes. Their impatience make them finish a quarter or two in front of the shop and they start to smell like liquor, and they talk trash and act indecent on the roads making it difficult for especially the children and women to take their evening walk. This is such a common scene and we can do nothing about it , like who would waste his/her time arguing with these drunken men ?? 

There are many other things going around in my head , not specifically about ajmer but it is something throughout the country and I term it as 'The Band Phenomena' .
According to me , nowadays beginners or very less experience holders or very ambitious but not fully ready 'musicians'(as they love to be called) are forming bands, I think it takes a lot of learning  not just a handful of lessons to play music and produce some real good stuff! 
ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY! in the same way a band cannot be formed and cannot get popular in a day! The established bands have worked hard and then reached to the peak of success.
Some are way serious and passionate for their band but some are just fame seekers and crazy for popularity!
I am not generating some kinda biased views here but I got the full right to pen-down what i feel.

When it comes to listening music , i have noticed some of my fellow college-mates , who play some rock/rap/pop music on their cellphones  just to look cool !
Now you'll wonder ' what's so cool i listening to rock? Man are you an alien ? Its so common shit' but let me tell you , it feels skanky to see/hear your favourite songs get raped by such people! They play rock music loud and admit that they don't even get a bit of it! A nincompoop guy used to  play akon's (I wanna F*ck you) in the college bus without even knowing what shit it meant! Man get a room if you are so desperate to get laid!!!
Many even cry for the fact that they are still virgin! Hah! Guys please stop acting so awfully desperate! 
Such people should be killed by giving a 'Justin Beiber dose' thrice a day till they die!!  Absolute morons!!

Another type of crowd is of those who just love to brag about themselves! 
Anonymous1 - I saw you few days back outside the mall!
Anonymous2 - Oh that same day when I was wearing my Rs 3000 costing denims?
Who the hell for the love of God asked you that?? 
They are so pathetic that you dont even want to laugh at them!

I had a nice time writing this stuff and it doesn't matter if you dislike it! I may not be as popular as the B'wood stars that many people will follow my blog but i hope you have a nice time too reading this!
I write for myself and then my readers( see how professional i sound :P) there are people who discourage bloggers like me because we are not popular! THUMBS DOWN to them!
Peace Out!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


A student and that too a science student , who doesn't take a bit interest in the field even in the crucial years of school life (class XI/XII) faces everything that i'm about to describe below...
so, i am a science student but i'm not that geeky  girl :P , encountered the 'internet' thingy when i was in class XI (shocking?!)
so like all other internet freaks , i too got addicted to it ( noo i don't regret it  :P)
Ruined my 12th boards and all the competitive exams that were supposed to get me admitted in a good engineering college :P
 In such conditions , you cannot expect to get into IIT's or NIT's .. so you have to console yourself with whatever you get!

I took admission in three colleges :P but dropped all the three choices because two  were not in my city and one didn't provide a B.Tech. degree :P
Finally , i got admission in the city's one and only private college and the most disgusting one (according to me ).
The first day in AIT was terrible , made me shed tears during the class :P (creative exaggeration :P )
So , i faced ugly , immature and almost illiterate seniors the very first days who asked stupid questions like 
MURGI PEHLE AYI YA ANDA?! thats lame man! 

'RAGGING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN THE COLLEGE CAMPUS' but our hon'ble(:P) seniors brought different variations to the word 'ragging' one of which was 'INTRO' (mild way of knowing a newcomer)
so in an  intro you need to answer the following questions:
-PHONE NUMBER (this question depends on the character of the senior you're dealing with :p)

such a questionnaire is silly as well as lame , hilarious at times . makes you wonder how these seniors (they like to be called 'sir' in here ) have wasted their 4 years just in order to bully some freshers . ( i remember , a guy was bullied badly by some sick bosses , that story was forgotten the day itself).

Here in AIT , we're not allowed to bring water or lunch, and the only water tap(inside the building) is located in between the two washrooms :P
a day will come when these rules would be no more , till then we're happy 'coz we illegally carry water and lunch to college :P 
i can criticize AIT all day and night but some of my friends will say ' toh padh kyun rahi h yahan pe?? bass burayi karna aata hai! ' but the truth can't be ignored and i'm sorry to those friends who think so  :P
But the fact that i am too a part of this college now , and this college is a part of my life! so i have learnt to live with it :)
peace <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011

starring amby :P

hi! i don't know how many of you are actually interested in reading my blog! 
so, i'm ambika most of you may know me as amby , there's nothing very different or unique about me (except the fact that they say all humans are unique :P ).
hmm , i'm neither extraordinary in studies/ music/sports/bitching and the list continues..
some say i react a lot even if the situation doesn't demand it :P
oh yeah how can i forget i got an 'A' in dramatics (class X) , anyways who need's a certification of one's character?
there are some kind of people who piss me off badlyy( and i mean that) 
- eve teasers
- bitches
-trash talkers
-people who show off
 and the list continues again...

i am fat and i love food (i fantasize about food :P) and for those who make fun at the cost of me YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!! :D man! seriously!! why does it bother you ???  RETARDS!!!
I love to take pictures , no I AM NOT SAYING I AM A PHOTOGRAPHER!
I write , i can write , i think i can write :P
I want to travel and explore new places , because i haven't done that in ages! (oops i never did that)
 i guess this is enough for the time being! :)